Balancing Heritage and Modernity

Balancing Heritage and Modernity: Navigating the Rise of Modern Design in Historic Boulder Homes

Boulder, is witnessing a captivating evolution in design where the allure of modernity intertwines with the steadfast presence of historic homes. As a family deeply rooted in the architectural landscape of this enchanting city, we are not only enamored by the rise of contemporary design concepts but also find immense pride and value in our work with historic homes. Join us on this journey as we explore the synergy between heritage and modernity in the architecture of Boulder.

Honoring Heritage

The Charm of the historic homes in Boulder tell stories of a bygone era, each brick and beam whispering tales of the city's rich past. These architectural gems embody a timeless beauty that transcends generations, showcasing intricate craftsmanship and character that is a treasure trove of history. Our work in preserving and restoring these homes is a testament to our deep respect for their heritage and the value they bring to the community.

Embracing the Pulse of Modern Design

Simultaneously, the rise of modern design in Boulder has been an inspiring journey. The contemporary architecture, with its clean lines, innovative materials, and minimalist aesthetics, offers a fresh and exciting perspective. It is an exploration of new possibilities and bold expressions that add a vibrant layer to the city’s architectural landscape. Our engagement with modern design principles fuels our creative spirit, allowing us to innovate and create spaces that harmoniously blend the old with the new.

Synergy between Past and Present

In our endeavors, we strive to strike a balance between the two worlds - respecting the charm of historic homes while embracing the advancements of modern design. It is in this convergence that we discover the potential for creating spaces that honor tradition while catering to the needs of contemporary living. The fusion of historical context with modern amenities brings about a unique synergy that elevates the aesthetic and functionality of these homes.

Preserving the Legacy, Infusing Innovation

Our commitment to working with historic homes in Boulder goes beyond mere restoration; it involves a dedication to preserving the legacy and cultural significance of these architectural treasures. At the same time, our foray into modern design allows us to infuse innovation and functionality, ensuring that these spaces stand the test of time while meeting the needs of modern living.

A Tapestry of Architectural Diversity

Boulder's architectural landscape is a mesmerizing tapestry, woven with the threads of the past and the visions of the future. As a family deeply engaged in the craftsmanship of historic homes and the exploration of modern design concepts, we take pride in contributing to this diverse and evolving canvas.

In this city where heritage and modernity converge, we find inspiration, challenge, and an opportunity to create spaces that honor tradition while embracing progress. Our commitment to balancing heritage with modern design reflects our reverence for the past and our excitement for the future, contributing to the rich architectural heritage of Boulder.


Shawn M. Roberts, Owner

About Shawn M. Roberts

Shawn M. Roberts, the creative force behind Flatiron Custom Designs, embarked on a journey into the world of art and design in the mid-2000s, inspired by the pages of Architectural Digest. With a carpenter's apprenticeship on Nantucket Island starting in 2004, Shawn's craftsmanship is rooted in a deep appreciation for both traditional techniques and innovative approaches.

What Shawn enjoys most about writing for the blog is connecting with readers and drawing them to the business to offer help and expertise. His passion lies in exploring colors and themes inspired by nature, lifestyle, and pure imagination, aiming to create spaces that resonate with personal and aesthetic values.

Notable among Shawn’s achievements is the transformation of a 1940s tugboat in Brooklyn into a luxury apartment—a testament to his ability to reimagine and revitalize spaces. His goal with the blog is to leave readers feeling informed and inspired, offering practical advice based on his everyday experiences with clients.

Shawn stays abreast of the latest trends by being actively involved in the field, engaging in hands-on work with clients. Outside of his professional life, he enjoys sailing, rock climbing, hiking, and other adventures. His content is crafted around seasonal changes and innovative tools, with a philosophical nod to Wabi-Sabi—celebrating the beauty of imperfection and the passage of time.